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December: The Month of No Complaints

It just hit me. This crazy idea that I probably shouldn't have to implement, but will, because Lord knows my heart needs it. It hit me just now as I was thinking about going back to work tomorrow after this Thanksgiving break. I wanted to post a picture to my Instagram to convey how truly unenthusiastic I am about getting back to my normal schedule, but then I reconsidered.
How often do we- actually, just make that I- complain via social media about my daily struggles? How much more do I complain about these struggles to other people directly? I'm not talking about real heart-breaking, life-changing, let-me-share-my-heart-so-I-don't-implode struggles. What I'm talking about are the everyday complaints.
"It's too early."
"It's too cold."
"It's too hot."
"I don't wanna (fill in the blank)." My blanks are usually a combination of "go to work, do school work, do house work, do anything that I just really don't want to do."
On this note, what about complaining ABOUT other people? How often have you (again, I am really just preaching to the choir here) complained about that person who took forever in the grocery store line, or that co-worker that rubbed you the wrong way, or the family member that made a poor choice that only barely affected you yet still got under your skin enough to complain about them?
God tells us to "Do everything without grumbling or arguing." (Philippians 2:14)
God tells us "Do not slander anyone." (James 4:11)
There are an alarming number of Proverbs related to avoiding gossip, because God knows what complaining about circumstances and complaining about people does to our hearts. God goes on to say in Philippians 2 that when we omit grumbling and arguing from our lives, then we will shine like stars among a "warped and crooked" world.
So, back to my idea instigated by my almost-negative Instagram post.
For the month of December (and the final days of November), I am going to commit to NO COMPLAINING.
I realize I should have thought of this idea before November started because then it could have been called "No Whine November" or something cute like that. I can't think of anything cute for the month of December, but I'm not going to let that deter me! I know December is going to be hard. I can already think of a mountain of things that I would like to complain about and I'm almost tempted to do it right here right now, but that kind of defeats the purpose. No, instead I am going to take on each day with positivity (which for me, means a whole lot of Bible, prayer, and gratitude). I am not going to dismiss the hard things that may come my way, and I may even talk about them, but I will not complain about them.
If you feel like joining me for the month of December (and the next few days of November), please do! I would love the support and I would also really love a cute challenge title idea.


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